Banpen Fugyō / 万変不驚

Infinite Changes, no surprise! / Infinitas mudanças, sem surpresa!


The training always starts with body preparation which includes: stretching (柔軟体操, junan taiso), strengthening (補強練習, hokyou renshuu), breathing (呼吸法, kokyu ho), and impact training.

In terms of combat, our training covers several aspects.While there is no set syllabus for the entire Bujinkan organization, the Ten Chi Jin Ryaku No Maki (天地略の巻Scrolls of the strategies of Sky Earth and Man”) is our core training. The Ten Chi Jin is a book of three sections (“Ten”, “Chi” and “Jin”), each one is broken into several subsections. It also includes Josei Goshin Jutsu (女性護身術, women self-defense) which is very important! Beyond the core, Bujinkan Ryuha (武神館流派, bujinkan lineages) techniques are covered.

Ten Ryaku no Maki (天略の巻)

  1. Ukemi Taihenjutsu – Includes multidirectional rolls, flips & somersaults, breakfalls, leaping, climbing and walking methods, as well and integration of these methods.
  2. Kyū Kamae – Nine basic postures that form the basic shape of the subsequent movements.
  3. Kihon Happō Gata – The core 8 movements that are fundamental to Bujinkan martial arts.
  4. Sanshin no Kata – Drills which help train the body in correct movement.
  5. Taihenjutsu Mutō Dori Gata – Introductory exercises which combine ukemi taihenjutsu skills with the correct timing and angling needed to avoid weapons.
  6. Hōken Juroppō – A variety of striking forms done principally with the hands and feet.

Chi Ryaku no Maki (地略の巻)

  1. Hajutsu Kyūhō – Various techniques for escaping grabs, basic strikes and joint locks as well as receiving methods.
  2. Torite Kihon Dori no Kata – A selection of basic restraints used on a grounded opponent.
  3. Happō Keri Henka no Koto – Various kicking combination drills.
  4. Gyaku Waza – Basic joint locking techniques of the wrist, arm and shoulder joints.
  5. Nage Kata – Basic projections using the hips, upper back, joint locks and beyond to throw an opponent.
  6. Shime Waza – Chokes and strangulation techniques.

Jin Ryaku no Maki (人略の巻)

  1. Suwari Gata – Forms from traditional Japanese seated postures.
  2. Keri ni Taishite – Defenses from kicks.
  3. Nage Kaeshi – Throw counters.
  4. Haibu Yori – Attacks from behind.
  5. Tata ni Taishite – Defenses from strikes.
  6. Mutōdori Gata – Forms against armed opponents.

It is also covered in 5 levels considering armed (several weapons) and unarmed combat:

  1. Lying down
  2. Sitting
  3. Kneeling
  4. Squatting
  5. Standing

Always working on sense of community, professionalism, standards and hard work. The focus is to support students to unleash their potential!

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